Monday, August 30, 2010


wouldn't this make a sensational paper weight, book end or door stop??

image via but does it float

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

any ideas...

...on how i can make my hair look like this ((i'll keep it brown & curly though)). i'm sure it'll involve thinning & layering. hhmmmm. while we're at it, how 'bout her flawless skin & super cute profile??

unknown photo origins

Friday, August 20, 2010

have a cool weekend

my friends, what are you up to this weekend? we're going to the Hammer Museum in los angeles to see the etching exhibit, and then to Pizzaria Mozza for what is reportedly some pretty damn good antipasti & pizza. also, i'd love to make some watermelon-prosecco popsicles! i'd love to hear about how you plan to beat the heat this weekend...


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


who hasn't, at some point, dreamed about living in a treehouse? in my neck of the woods in los angeles, there are 2 -- functional & currently being played in -- treehouses. so it wasn't a complete surprise when i literally stumbled upon these two on our recent trip to northern california.

((if you look closely, you can see a string of xmas lights around each window))

Monday, August 16, 2010

..::limited edition feather print::.. available tonight

bring a little nature into your life with this feather print.

this is a hand sketched & hand carved 2 in x 7 in feather ((the detail in this feather is really something, if i do say so myself!)). paper size is standard 8 x 10. each of these prints was individually hand pulled via a vandercook 4 proofing press. hand mixed taupe (pinky-beigy) ink. this is a very small run of 15. each print is signed & numbered.

for more details & photos, visit tworavens at etsy.

available tonight!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

northern california

the homes near big lagoon.

our campsite was located just through those trees.

moonstone beach. one of the many spots where the redwoods meet the sand & ocean.

norm's first trip. he loved playing with all the dogs (big & small) he met at the various beaches we visited.

norm & nick.

from our tent.

highlights from our adventures:
.trusting the universe & going with the flow
.humboldt fog -- atmospheric & the cheese
.college friends, some now with children
.highs of 58 degrees
.celestinos x 2
.tree houses

Sunday, August 1, 2010

vacation & new feather print sneak peek

sooo, remember when i announced "i'm back" ?? well, we're off and running again, but, for only a short while. we're taking our last trip of the summer & we're headed to the land of the giant redwoods!! we are very excited & ready for our return. we will be camping, visiting friends, favorite food establishments, beaches, forests, etc. i'll do my best to post throughout our trip so you can see all that's happening. in the meantime, take a look at a the new feather lino carving/print that i will be unveiling upon our return... happy summer!!
