Sunday, February 20, 2011

sunday's sour cream pancakes = greatest breakfast of all time

this weekend, we were expecting epic amounts of rainfall from what was touted as the "storm of the year." in preparation for staying in for hours on end, i meal planned accordingly, paying special attention to sunday's breakfast. nick & i love eggs of all kinds: poached, scrambled with loads of veggies, fried in bacon grease (okay, i know that one sounds awful, but we only indulge once in a while, and we're sure to drain the excess dripping fat prior to consuming.), but i wanted to make something relatively egg free, new to us & delicious. enter: sour cream pancakes & sour cream maple sauce. you can find the recipe here. they couldn't have been easier to whip up. light & fluffy due to the sour cream, and with only 1 Tbsp. sugar in the entire batch, not at all sweet. i added approximately 1 tsp. of almond extract to the batter for an extra special kick. also pictured: homemade brown sugar & loads of cracked pepper bacon. easy, too! sprinkle with both just prior to placing in the oven. voila!

i'm proclaming this the "greatest breakfast of all time."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

get shorty

Pen Pal


oh, Rach... you do it to me every time!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

...SNEEK PEEK... new 3 block reduction print...

my dears, this is a little glimpse of my new reduction print. IT'S FINISHED! phew, i've been working on it for 10 months. more details, soon...