Saturday, January 24, 2009

exhibit at the Hammer Museum, L.A.

Elizabeth Catlett, Sharecropper, 1968-1970

nick and i recently saw a woodblock exhibit at the hammer museum called Gouge: The Modern Woodcut 1870 to Now and it was overwhelmingly spectacular. originally designed by buddhist monks in order to reproduce devotional texts, the wood cut dates back to the 8th century. the exhibit demonstrates various approaches to the medium as well as visual content. some of our favorites included those by german painter and printer Emil Nolde. although we were reminded by docents, on more than one occasion, to "keep your hands 6 inches away" from said prints, it was difficult not getting super close to see all the fine details. nick and i both continue to dabble in woodblock making and printing. as a result of the exhibit, we have been equally inspired to try several new shading techniques. will post our new work in the coming weeks.

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