Sunday, January 31, 2010

sunday's best

.yoga nidra
.big 2 year olds
.french goat cheese
.lino plans & fancy paper
.arrested development, season 2
.visits from "the boy" (neighbor cat)
.garlic paste, olive oil & french bread
.early roy orbison & bob dylan's "nashville skyline"

Friday, January 29, 2010

to be continued...

i like to really process the hell out of an idea, leave it alone for a while, and then return to it with a fresh perspective. i have been working on this affirmation for months. tbc...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

lunch date at the temple

i love having lunch at the green temple. everything is so good, it's always hard to choose. this time around, l: garbanzo bean & zucchini soup, salad with raw beets & tofu dressing, moroccan tea. c: minestrone, 1/2 avocado sandwich, steamed veggie mix w/ tofu dressing.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

about saturday

saturday was filled with so much goodness. i can't believe i didn't bring the camera out even once. here's what happened (it's not the first time): i got so caught up in the feelings of the moment(s), that i simply couldn't look (feel) beyond them to think big picture. so i'll sum up the magic of the afternoon:

bbq bonfire
favorite port
hibernating lizard
M & V wedding plans
chocolate banana creme pie
at least 6 caramelized onions
mixing chocolate crust with berry medley = margaux's heaven
the buzzcocks, billy idol, explosions in the sky & the million dollar quartet
old friends, older friends, new friends

photo via littlelakey on flickr.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

hello, darling

today, i unveiled my very first letterpress greeting card in my etsy shop. what do you think? i hand-set the type & hand fed each off-white Fabriano Medioevalis card through a vintage Vandercook press. it is a very tedious and gratifying process.

tell you what, dear peekers-of-this-here-blog, if you purchase anything from my shop from now through saturday jan. 23 & convo/email me with the phrase "year of the raven" in the body of the message, you'll receive a lil something, free!

Friday, January 15, 2010

desk addition/new favorite store

so, in an attempt to transform my work space under horrid florescent lighting, and tacky pinhole filled walls, i am slowly adding things that make me want to be there. like this multi-colored succulent. nick is the plant master, but i spent part of wednesday in redondo beach with my brother, and we stumbled upon a new plant-flower-garden store near one of our favorite eateries. so many cute little plants tucked into faux old cans with moss strewn about, i had to have one. american harvest makes me want to take everything and move it into my work space. i'd also settle for moving my work space right into the shop.

Monday, January 11, 2010

weekend highlights

*homemade thai peanut sauce
*extra long walk & moss collecting
*pizza, pie and a little NWA with M & J
*cane-making artist w/ a Vandercook he rarely (!!) uses...
*first semi-private yoga session in a very mini home studio
*furry friends: dietrich, serene, fat foot koala, chevy, mookie & three legged cat

Saturday, January 9, 2010

the trick is in the butter

pear butterscotch pie is super easy to make, even the crust, and is the tastiest not-too-sweet sweet for sharing with your hubs, family, friends, strangers you'd like to make friends with... you get the picture. the trick to making the crust super flaky is the butter. evan swears by adding a little vodka, and it does improve a crusts flakiness, but, not like this. all butter is not created equally. the next time you happen to be in whole foods (if you can actually find a parking place), browse the dairy section, and pay close attention to the array of butters and their price points (i have yet to try the one made in the parma region in italy, but, being the serious dairy lover that i am, you can bet big money i will venture down that road very soon). after making a few very good pies with the whole foods brand butter, i decided to see what an extra special butter could bring to the pie mix. of course my first fancy butter choice had to be Straus. i never tried their organic European Style lightly-salted, 85% fat, made in a butter churn from the 1950's, butter before, but if it was anything like any of their other super creamy products (i.e. egg nog, ice-cream, yogurt), i knew i'd be in good hands. at over $6 for 4 cubes, you can't let yourself fixate on the retail price. just buy it and try it. trust me, you and your new best friends will be so happy you did.

p.s. pie n' port 2010 coming soon...

Friday, January 8, 2010

first fridays

images via notcot

first fridays at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles begins tonight. science, music, art, food & fermented spirits all taking place after hours with dinosaurs. what could possibly be better than this, you ask? Atlas Sound is playing tonight!

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 calendar

watercolored feathers provide the perfect visual for the next 12-months. unfortunately, due to its popularity, the calendar is no longer available (sigh...). additional calendars are available for purchase here, at the wild unknown.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

pink horizon

yesterdays pink horizon, as seen from our backyard.

Friday, January 1, 2010

N.Y.E: blue moon & festivities

last night, mr. blue moon made an extra special appearance to help us ring in the new decade. we won't see him on new years eve for another 22 (i think) years.

The Marx Sisters (minus the amazing harpist, plus Steven in this photo) began the night with a very cool rendition of "Sweet Child O Mine." Later, we were treated to "Skulls," by the Misfits. awesome.