Saturday, January 9, 2010

the trick is in the butter

pear butterscotch pie is super easy to make, even the crust, and is the tastiest not-too-sweet sweet for sharing with your hubs, family, friends, strangers you'd like to make friends with... you get the picture. the trick to making the crust super flaky is the butter. evan swears by adding a little vodka, and it does improve a crusts flakiness, but, not like this. all butter is not created equally. the next time you happen to be in whole foods (if you can actually find a parking place), browse the dairy section, and pay close attention to the array of butters and their price points (i have yet to try the one made in the parma region in italy, but, being the serious dairy lover that i am, you can bet big money i will venture down that road very soon). after making a few very good pies with the whole foods brand butter, i decided to see what an extra special butter could bring to the pie mix. of course my first fancy butter choice had to be Straus. i never tried their organic European Style lightly-salted, 85% fat, made in a butter churn from the 1950's, butter before, but if it was anything like any of their other super creamy products (i.e. egg nog, ice-cream, yogurt), i knew i'd be in good hands. at over $6 for 4 cubes, you can't let yourself fixate on the retail price. just buy it and try it. trust me, you and your new best friends will be so happy you did.

p.s. pie n' port 2010 coming soon...

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