Monday, March 8, 2010

la espanola inspired pizza

last week, the hubs discovered a spanish gem located in the south bay, not too far from his work location. you see, spain is a place near and dear to my heart for many reasons: i studied abroad in spain, traveled throughout it's lands & savored it's delicate-yet-absurdly-impactful foods long ago. upon my return to the states, i was (this) close to smuggling in a couple ounces of their precious jamon serrano so my family could see & taste some of what they were missing. so, needless to say, for the last 8 or so years, the hubs has heard me go on an on about spain's wonders to the point where his interest has piqued. on top of that, being the pbs geeks that we are, we've (well, mostly me) been slightly obsessed with jose andres' show "Made in Spain," "On the Road Again," with mario batali, bitty, claudia & gweneth paltrow, and any tiny spanish-related segment on gourmet's show "Diary of a Foodie." if you haven't been able to afford the luxury of being in spain, eating bocadillos with luscious jamon serrano for days on end (yes, days & days, it's that good), or willing to travel to the westside to sample the jamon at a number of trendy restaurants, then you should venture to La Espanola Meats. they have a few different kinds & will sell you an entire leg if you wish. trust me, i'm already trying to figure our how/when we can make such a splurge ($800-$1400) without breaking the bank or turning into pigs ourselves. any ideas?

last night, after finishing our share of iberico, we made a pizza with slices of the chorizo picante (also available at La Espanola Meats) strewn about on top. i don't know how they make the sausages so tender and smooth? nitrates??