Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 3. Albion sunset

after adding at least several pieces of coldest-weather attire, we sat on the deck for the coming sunset. we also banked on the warming properties offered by Lagunitas as we enjoyed a Gnarly Wine. in this photo, you can see the tiniest bumps on the hill's crest. we brought out the binoculars to get a better look...

...the bumps were actually 8 (possibly more) does and 2 fawns. stunning!!

this little guy thought we were going to give him a food offering. we were pretty sure he didn't want the Garley Wine. geeg would have surely chased him away.

on another bird note: we saw 2 osprey catch large fish & fly away with them, fish flapping and all, as we ate breakfast and later as we walked on the beach.

the above 5 photos were taken in sequence as we watched the sun go down. the day was already perfect but this magical hour took us over the edge. we were hoping for a sun-meets-water-sunset, but we lost her way before that. after, we went inside to enjoy a nice salad, small wedge of cheese, fancy olives & kettle chips and watched a few episodes of arrested development. we also had some decisions to make about what we wanted to see/where we wanted to stay the following day... ((i hope you are enjoying these photos & back stories, i really love posting & sharing. on this trip i thought: maybe i could just do this for a living. wow, what a life!!))

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