Thursday, May 27, 2010

how do i say this gently...

is the world even ready for this print?!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

the old zoo

we spent saturday hiking some trails in griffith park with our lovely friends M & V. There was so much to celebrate: M's graduation from a grueling grad program, moving to a new house, nuptials, being together... we couldn't have asked for more perfect weather.

Monday, May 24, 2010

test pattern

cute summer-ready dress. mociun always juxtaposes the best colors & patterns.

so, no real surprise that this image was taken in said creator's home.

images via beklina & design sponge

Sunday, May 23, 2010

concrete magic 3

more concrete magic. pretty sure this sunflower sprouted from seeds we left for some of the 'hoods birds.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

new print & injury

this flower print will be available in my shop tonight. it's the reduced linocut for the other flower reduction i am currently working on. i never planned to print this block on it's own, but it was so beautiful, i just couldn't resist. this first run of 10 was printed in a gorgeous orangey-coral color on off-white fabriano stationary. additional colors to come.

available tonight, $20.

aaand embarrassingly, on monday, i became an "official" member of the injured-letterpressers-society when i cranked my left index & middle fingers through the vandercook (imagine slamming the tips of your fingers in a car door). ouch!! not to worry, after a full day of serious throbbing, my fingers are feeling good & looking normal. my first & hopefully last studio injury.

Monday, May 17, 2010

smoked chicken

ain't she purdy!! nick rigs our simple bbq into a quasi smoker in order to make the juiciest, most tender meats ((a summertime favorite in this household)). this time he made a quick marinade of lemon peel, garlic, fresh thyme, red pepper flakes & salt, and stuffed it under the thick layer of skin. at a whopping 5 pounds, this gal took a little over 2 hours to fully cook. in the meantime, we simmered all the gizzards for our neighborhood's wildlife. i don't think anyone was upset with the results.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

i heart belle

i just scored the last pair of size 8 belle by sigerson morrison cutout pointy flats from shopbop. well deserved ((and on sale)) after surviving this crazy week.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

the skunks of los angeles

geeg was first introduced to the skunk (and various cleansing concoctions -- this time, tomato sauce) 3 years ago, on the 3rd day of our arrival.

when you live in our neighborhood, you get used to tailoring your life around the very cute, seemingly friendly (although rabid) & fragrant skunk. they have been known to climb out of water drains, hold folks hostage in their cars until they toddled further down the street & scare people off their property. at least 75% of the 'hoods furry friends have been "spritzed." one skunk was even bold enough to walk straight into a neighbors home to eat their dogs food!

last night might have been one of the cutest sights we've ever seen. on a rare evening weekday walk, we stopped dead in our tracks to witness a mama skunk and 4 babies together. mama tried desperately to demonstrate how to climb over a short 5 in. high cement wall, and 3 of the babes easily followed. the last one, possibly the runt, just couldn't no matter how hard he tried. this required mama to change her route entirely, which meant they retreated down the hill and what looked like under a neighbors house... i'm kicking myself for not bringing the camera.

baby skunk photo via cute overload. photo of geeg taken by me.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

chocolate covered strawberries

nick & i made chocolate covered strawberries for sunday's mother's day brunch. the recipe couldn't be simpler, and the results were both visually stunning & tasty. i'm not typically a fan of the chocolate-fruit combination. but the light, fruitiness of the strawberry seemed to match the bittersweetness of the chocolate, perfectly.

1 large plastic box strawberries
6-8 oz. of bittersweet chocolate morsels.
bring a saucepan full of water to a rolling boil. in the meantime, rinse & dry strawberries well. if you don't, the chocolate won't adhere. place your morsels into a glass or stainless steel double boiler or bowl. once water is rolling, turn heat off & place boiler/bowl on top of cooling water. use a whisk to stir until melted. remove from heat. next, start dipping. place dipped strawberries on wax paper to cool, or eat immediately.

Monday, May 10, 2010

happy birthday nick

i love your guts

owls via kim boske

Sunday, May 9, 2010

epic weekend

. apex dance party -- favorite friends, favorite couples, favorite dj's, favorite songs...
. mom's day -- homemade quiche & chocolate covered strawberries
. our giant cactus bloomed for the first time in 3 years (see photo)
. planning mini vacations/furlough weekends
. charcuterie, french bread, fancy olives
. working on another feather lino
. feeding neighborhood cats
. sleeping in

Thursday, May 6, 2010

feather weight

i adore this Daisy Knights ring, via net-a-porter.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

new linoleum reduction

this is one of the projects i'm currently working on. it feels like i'll never finish...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

happy birthday, mel

this is your year!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

hot-weather-wuss summer attire pt.1

it's no secret that i am an official hot-weather-wuss. here in los angeles, we'll be experiencing our first pre-summer heat wave tomorrow & monday. i am a huge believer in visualization to get one through times of difficulty, so i will do just that with this simple white dress & these toffee colored wedges. well, at least until i get my real hands ((body & feet)) on them.

cacharel dress & rachel comey ipswich wedge