Wednesday, May 19, 2010

new print & injury

this flower print will be available in my shop tonight. it's the reduced linocut for the other flower reduction i am currently working on. i never planned to print this block on it's own, but it was so beautiful, i just couldn't resist. this first run of 10 was printed in a gorgeous orangey-coral color on off-white fabriano stationary. additional colors to come.

available tonight, $20.

aaand embarrassingly, on monday, i became an "official" member of the injured-letterpressers-society when i cranked my left index & middle fingers through the vandercook (imagine slamming the tips of your fingers in a car door). ouch!! not to worry, after a full day of serious throbbing, my fingers are feeling good & looking normal. my first & hopefully last studio injury.

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