Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 2 (7.20.09) new adventures

we took chelsea a.k.a "geeg," "le stinque," "pookie face," and about a million other loving names to the dog beach early in the day.  in this photo you'll notice she's actually smiling.  she can't get enough of the ocean and she certainly has a hard time knowing her physical limits now that she's 9 years old.  later, we had a late lunch at Forge in the Forest where we ordered her a grilled kosher hot dog that came cut in bite size pieces in a dog dish.  man, Carmel knows how to treat dogs.

drinking coffee and making earrings in the kitchen nook.  long ago, my grams gave me some special grey and white beads that i have been holding onto for the just-right project.  i used those beads and others based on the color of the dress i'll be wearing for a very special engagement we're attending tonight... 

SURPRISE!  we eloped!  here are a few photos from the super secret event.  i'll post more once we get them from terry, our trusty photographer from santa cruz.

this was taken just after we said farewell to our officiant.  terry wanted to snap a few shots before we embarked on our walk from the cliffs to the beach.  nick wore grey slacks and a white pin striped shirt by Calvin Klein.  my dress is by Brian Reyes (no relation to me, darn).  green and all, i knew from the second i saw it i had to wear it on this day.  the wind was blowing slightly which helped the dress flutter and flow.  and geeg is sporting a new black leash.

back at the cottage and ready for dinner.  we were excited to stay in and have our favorite meal of all time: charcuterie plate with prosciutto di parma, fancy salami from berkeley, goat brie aged in ash, cave aged gruyere, sourdough bread, spanish olive oil, olives and organic cherries.  a feast fit for royalty!

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