Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day 7 (7.25.09) Yosemite

El Capitan.

Half Dome through pine.

one of the many waterfalls.

we saw these deer across from said waterfall.

we woke at 7:00 am, broke camp and headed straight over to yosemite. first stop: coffee! if you've never been to yosemite, you'd be amazed at all the amenities it has to offer, including a full grocery store. i'm mixed on the idea of having so much access to things in one of the most amazing, natural national forests we've got.

but, since we had access, we made a protein fueled lunch of tuna, string cheese, avocado and lettuce. we used our fancy olive oil and cabernet sav. vinegar (purchased in Monterey, but why not use it here) to create a luscious dressing/sauce. we even had kettle chips on the side.

we spent much of the day driving through the forest, stopping to admire nature's finest along the way. i was surprised that even though there were loads of people everywhere, we were able to find lots of secluded spots. we found a great swimming spot with to die for views. geeg is a water baby; she jumped right in and had a ball! we love seeing her that alive & happy.

The Kapp's!

1 comment:

  1. aww...Geegee! I love seeing her swimming and having a great time too. It looks like the Kapp family is enjoying themselves nicely!


