Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 3 (7.21.09) we're married!

good morning!  we spent a good part of the day informing our parents, grandparents and siblings that we eloped.  everyone was surprised and so happy.  in case you're wondering, we did not tell even one person that we were doing this.  as the date approached, it became harder and harder to keep the news contained.  nick and i even contemplated telling 1 person each but it then became too hard to choose.

this is our first photo as a married couple.  it was taken at the beach 2 blocks from where we stayed.  the day was beautiful:  foggy, misty, and even a little windy.  

we heard about the restaurant and inn that Clint Eastwood once owned (apparently he still lives in Carmel), Hog's Breath Inn. everything on the menu sounded delicious!  we decided to order on the light side:  grilled chicken salad (they forgot the vinaigrette), artichoke soup and homemade onion rings.  the artichoke soup was fantastic.  a little on the sour side, which seemed to come naturally from the vegetable that is grown in this region.  

and of course we had to wash all that good food down with something equally superb.  nick found this Lagunitas ale, Hop Stoopid, in the small local market.  super hoppy but smooth.  


  1. holy schnikeys!!!
    congrats you guys that's so awesome... even though you LIED to me!

    it's ok, have a great rest of your trip

    jason C.

  2. thanks for the congrats!!! we never meant to lie. but glad you're surprised!
